Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mentor Mom

Tomorrow is our first MOPS meeting for the year and I was invited to be the Mentor Mom. Mentor means, 'teacher or coach'. I can hardly count how many beautiful women have served me in this way over the years. Some in person, through deep, rich relationships that still continue and others just through articles or books or maybe even just through stories others have told of their valliant struggle through life's challenges and how they found the strength to continue getting up each day.

I accept this invitation to 'teach and coach' this beautiful group of young mother as a sacred trust. I offer each of them and their families to Jesus and consecrate each of them today, some of them before we even meet, to His Sacred Heart.

I'm going to use this blog now to speak to them. To tell them what I know about prayer, suffering, love, sacrifice, the dignity of feminine identity, and the sacredness of being created in the image and likeness of God.

For those of you who already read this blog, I hope you'll join us. For those of you who are just joining me now, welcome.


DeAnn said...


I took your family photos last December and I have to tell you, they are one of my favorites. The time I spent at your house was so moving and I feel God placed me there for a reason. The photos of your family with your husband are the ulimate reason why my photography is my passion...those are the photos you will cherish forever. They hold a special place in my heart and I never got the opportunity to just let you know that. Thanks for the chance to share! I look forward to reading more of your blogs.

DeAnn McClure

Jackie said...

Hi Deann! I can't tell you how many times in the last several months since you were here that I've just picked up a picture you took of Bill and me, the kids or my extended family and thanked God for the gift of you coming that day. God bless you and your work. We cherish it. Welcome to my blog.

Anonymous said...

Jackie - I wanted to give you a big hug today after MOPS; but you left before I had the chance. (Catch you next time!) I need to let you know what a BLESSING you are to the group. Your sweet spirit, sharing with us, and encouraging us through the Word has made such a difference in the atmosphere there. I left today feeling FILLED and ready to 'take on' the day!