Monday, August 21, 2006

Life happening here. We've moved. Half our stuff is in one town and half in another. I'm struggling again with false responsibility thinking it's some how my job to not only manage every detail of our family life but to actually have a hand in accomplishing all tasks. HELLO! Jackie....remember the definition of insanity?

A friend once said this to me: "There are only two forms of stress. 1. Taking responsibility for things you're not responsible for and 2. Not taking responsibility for things that you are. And if you're doing one, you're doing both. Time to evaluate the activities of my day. Chances are I've got some changes to make. Is that why I've been biting the inside of my lower lip? Lord have mercy.

Another thing about life that's getting to me is my home state, South Dakota, is about to execute a man. Elijah Page brutally murdered his friend with the intent of robbing from him. He confessed to the crime and has asked to have his appeals stopped and be killed by the people of South Dakota via lethal injection. Does anyone see the contridiction this is with the bill the people of South Dakota just passed in the house and senate and had signed into law declaring that human life begins at conception therefore making virtually all abortions illegal? What is our responsibility as citizens of this great state under these circumstances?