Monday, March 20, 2006

Taking Resistance to God

I've been reading "Body for Life for Women" and loving it until I hit the food section. Her food plan is based on SMART proteins and SMART carbs etc. and on the page was a chart with an example list of foods that fit the SMART category in all the food groups.

When I saw this these are the comments I started with in my head:

"I knew it would come to this. Weight Watchers wasn't good enough so nwo we have to starve ourselves on these stupid foods."

"I can't live on this list of food for the rest of my life."

"It's totally crazy to expect someone to live on this limited list of foods for life."

Blah, Blah, get the picture. Interiorly I was screaming and writhing at the mere suggestion that I follow this.

Then.....I looked at what I ate for breakfast following the original WW plan and found it fit right into the list. And I'm full. I'm satisfied. Have been for three weeks. Even the Chinese takeout I chose last night for supper fit.

So what's the Lord saying to me in all this resistance. "Stay the course, Jackie. Stay the course."

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