Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Dollar Loan Center Food

Certain foods are more expensive than others. Eating a Tendercrisp chicken sandwich, fries and a coke from Burger King (or any fast food) is like going to the Dollar Loan Center for a hundred bucks instead of waiting for payday. It's fast and it's easy, but the price you pay for that kind of food is big. It's so big it can take on a life of it's own.

I've been looking at food and my relationship with it and how it interacts with my body by comparing it to what I know about getting out of debt and living financial freedom. After being in serious debt for many years, Bill and I found that the only way to get out was, you guessed it, to pay it off and not take out any more loans! Pretty simple, huh?

I'm pretty sure that's how you get rid of fat too...pay it off (exercise) and don't take out any more loans (watch what you eat...oooh, the dreaded diet word was almost said!).

There are some loans that just don't make sense. Payday Loan Center loans are one of them. The interest rates are unbelievable and if you don't pay them back on time, they're moving into your spare bedroom until you do. I think some foods can be like that too. At least that's my experience when I look at myself in the mirror after a shower except that these foods didn't move into my spare bedroom, they're taking up residence as rolls on my stomach etc. And they'll be there until I pay them off.

Tom Petty once said, "There's no easy way out." I'm taking him at his word and swearing off Dollar Loan Center Foods just like I'm swearing off debt.

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