Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow Plows and Joy

Bill and I used to ask each other the things we wanted to do before we died. And goofing around one night I told him I thought, just once, it would be a blast to drive one of those big snow plows (as a mom, just the fact that they could look in their rearview mirror and see immediate results made it a draw). The cool thing is, I now have my own plow (it’s just a blade on the front of our Suburban, but it’s a plow and it’s mine:)) I spend tons of time thinking of new ways to create bigger snow forts for the kids. It’s great fun and it brings me joy.

On the Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudette Sunday, or "The Pink Candle Sunday" if you're my 9 year-old) this year, our pastor preached about Joy. He said if you’re experiencing it, look around, you’re probably not alone. The other day I had and experience of joy when I was plowing, I was thinking about Bill and how happy he had to be knowing that was loving it so much. I was thanking him for bringing us here, and for giving me this beautiful place to live. I had a growing awareness that my heart was filled with gratitude and joy. I was bubbling over and was telling Jesus all about it when I remembered what Fr. Scott said about Joy…and even though I was alone in the vehicle, I realized I couldn't be. I'm pretty sure for one quick moment, Bill was there too. It was a precious, unexpected gift just like our move has been. Thanks, Bill, for the visit. I loved every second. Come see me again soon and stay longer next time :)

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