Monday, April 17, 2006

Looking Great

I wonder if there are others who struggle with this: You spend weeks working out, eating right, keeping the mindset strong all with great results. You're staying within your 2lb/wk goal. You're on track for the longterm goal set for a year out. You're making mini goals and meeting them. Everything's going your way. Then........someone says the dreaded words you knew were coming............, "You look great!" Then someone else does, and someone else and there you go, suddenly your illusion of being completely invisible is shattered. Now you look great and you don't know what to do with that.

I drew out a timeline, a linear history of my weight gain and struggle therewith and discovered that for the last eighteen years every time I've tried to remove weight and I get to the point where it becomes noticeable, I, in very discrete ways begin to quit. What's in that?

I'm hitting that point now, but this time I'm standing with my eyes wide open entrusting this mystery to the Father who for all eternity has a plan for this very situation. All I have to do is wait for Him to reveal it.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Jackie. I know exactly what you mean. I have done the same thing. I have no answers for you but if you figure it out, let me know! Love, Kelley

Anonymous said...

Wow, i just read all of your entries. I am sitting here wanting to invite you over for coffee or something-- but just to talk. I also read what you wrote a year ago and I am wiping the tears away, as I type this. I don't even know what to write.